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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

Extra Curricular Activities

Young people also learn through extra-curricular activities. There are many residential visits, educational trips and activities which take place in addition to our normal Academy day, and which help enhance learning.

After school activities are also an important part of the learning opportunities offered to students. Details of our extra-curricular activities are published on this web page.

Musical Instrument Lessons 
At Campsmount Academy, students have the opportunity to take extracurricular instrumental lessons on an instrument of their choice. These lessons are taught during the school day, by visiting musicians who are highly experienced professionals. Learning to play an instrument is a valuable opportunity to develop many skills and has many benefits that aid in concentration and overall mental and physical wellbeing. There are also many studies that have proven that learning to play a musical instrument increases academic improvement and focus over time.
If you would like for your child to either continue or start instrument lessons in September 2024, please read the letter below and complete the linked form by Friday 14th July at the latest to book lessons for next year.