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Campsmount Academy

Campsmount Academy

Assessment Policy

What is the purpose of The Curriculum as the Progression Model?

  • To identify, with clarity, what students should know and be able to do at the end of each year, working towards each pre-determined endpoint.
  • To support curriculum development.
  • To support subject knowledge development.
  • To drive forward whole school improvement.

What is measured in each subject?

  • Subjects have clearly outlined the substantive, procedural and disciplinary knowledge and skills that must be taught in each year to meet curriculum endpoints at the end of each key stage.
  • Formative assessments takes place every lesson, every day.
  • Subjects have outlined how marks are being awarded in their summative assessments.
  • Each summative assessment will have three mandatory sections: vocabulary, knowledge and application.
  • There is one optional extended writing section.
  • Data from summative assessments is uploaded on to SIMS and reported as a percentage.

How do we know the data and assessment is valid?

  • Subjects have ensured that their curriculum meets the whole school intent by planning an ambitious, aspirational and challenging curriculum where content is literacy and knowledge-rich.
  • Summative assessments are cumulative.
  • Teachers teach the knowledge included on schemes of learning and adopt the subject-specific strategies agreed by their respective faculty.
  • Questions are not shared with teachers (wherever possible) and students before the assessment.

What is Campsmount Academy’s assessment schedule?

  • Effective retrieval practice in the form of ‘Activate’ tasks are facilitated every lesson, every day at all key stages.
  • KS3 pupils will complete a summative assessment in half term 1, 3 and 5 in their Assessment Books.
  • KS4 students will complete at least one in class assessment every half term or PPEs calendared across the year. These will be stored in their class books or files.

What should subjects do after an assessment?

  • KS3 moderation meetings are calendared after summative assessments have been completed.
  • Staff will quality-assure students’ responses, completing a moderation crib sheet.
  • They will bring this crib sheet to faculty moderation meetings to discuss curriculum mastery and next steps.
  • If all students have mastered the content to meet the curriculum endpoint being tested, then staff can continue teaching the next knowledge sequence.
  • If a minority of students have not mastered the curriculum, staff will plan how they will support the acquisition of the required knowledge to meet the endpoint.
  • If the majority of the content has not been mastered, staff will plan how they will reteach and reassess content.