The summer exams will run during May and June 2025. The External Exams Timetable along with further information will be available to download at the bottom of this page, when available.
We have received information from the Examination Boards that states candidates must remain available up to the end of June 2025. This is due to the awarding bodies having designated a ‘Contingency Day’ for examinations in the event of national or local disruption to the examination timetables. Please ensure your child remains available for exams up to the end of June 2025, your co-operation in this is greatly appreciated.
There will also be some exam intervention sessions, to further support students in their revision leading up to the exams. Students will be able to sign up for these with their teachers at the time.
Results Days will take place at Campsmount Academy as follows:
Year 11 Results Day - Thursday 21st August, 2025
There are now three slots on the calendar in late November, January, March and June for PPE exams.
Please review all the documents attached to this page before sitting your public exams and read the most up-to-date advice from the Joint Council for Qualifications setting out what is expected of all students. Please also note the following, specific to Campsmount students:
In the event that the academy is unable to open for exams at all, we will take advice from the relevant examination board.